Meet 3 unforgettable festivals to go in Dublin

Ireland has some worldwide known festivals. The ones you go in and it’s forever in your memory. Each one at a different time of the year.

No wonder the Irish people are known for being one of the most welcoming and warmest. After all, they love to celebrate special dates. And if you’re heading to Ireland, or even thinking about going, check out these festivals that fill the streets of the country’s major cities every year.

Dublin Fringe Festival

One of the most traditional festivals is the Dublin Fringe Festival. They are days of great fun in Dublin. The festival always takes place in September, and throughout it, various artists from theatre, music, dance and circus come together to give an even more special colouring to the city.

Both public and private spaces are filled with joy, and the Irish capital turns into a true cultural universe.

Dingle Tradfest

For those who like a party with lots of Irish music, the Dingle Tradfest is one of the most suitable. The event draws attention by the multiculturalism that it promotes.

Artists from various places immerse the streets of Dublin in an unforgettable festival of the country’s traditional music.

The event is not only attractive for natives. It also draws the attention of tourists who arrive in the city or even those who are doing an exchange course there.

Most of the shows take place in the open air and are totally free. But there are those that are private. This means that there is a party for all tastes.

Saint Patrick’s Day

To close our post with a golden key we couldn’t talk about any other festival but Saint Patrick’s Day. It is the most traditional in Ireland!

The population eagerly awaits the arrival of this day. And even though Saint Patrick is a religious symbol in the country, the festival has nothing religious.

It takes place on March 17, which is very close to the beginning of spring. On this occasion, the Irish do what they know best: drink lots of beer and whisky.

The party starts early in the morning and lasts all day. After all, everyone gets painted green and wears a four-leaf clover to celebrate the Irish icon.

Only those who have been to Ireland and spent Saint Patrick’s Day here know how contagious and awaited it is at the same time.

Now that you know the main festivals that take place every year in Dublin, you can plan your visit to the city when one of them happens.

And if you are looking for a hostel for this occasion, don’t forget to check out Leevin. We have the best options of accommodation to make your experience in the country simply unforgettable!

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