Sustainable Dublin

Eco-friendly tips for your stay in the Irish capital

Ireland receives thousands of foreigners every year on its territory. Among students looking for an experience abroad and tourists who love Celtic culture, anyone who passes through the island gets impressed by the green immensity that surrounds it, and preserving these scenarios is an essential task for future generations to have the opportunity to enjoy this pure (and often cold) air.

As expected, the largest concentration of travelers is in the capital city, Dublin, and it is with this in mind we have separated some tips for you to enjoy your stay in the most eco-friendly way possible!

1- Rent a bike
Dublin is perfect for anyone who loves cycling. Its flat streets and the many Dublinbike stations scattered throughout the city are an invitation to leave the car in the garage.

2- A bottle of water to call your own
As in many other European countries, water in Ireland is free. Therefore, it is highly unnecessary to buy PET bottles, when you can simply request the famous tap water at any bar or restaurant at no extra cost. Have your reusable bottle and enjoy!

3- Organic cuisine
As a highly multicultural city, you’ll find all kinds of cuisine on the streets of Dublin, especially in the central area. Give preference to those focused on “real” food, with fresh, organic ingredients that, during their cultivation, had good care for the environment as a priority.

4- Public transport
In addition to being practically a separate attraction for those coming to Ireland for the first time, the double-decker buses are efficient and take you all over Dublin and even to neighboring counties. Learn about Leap Cards for students and tourists and enjoy a more sustainable option to travel long distances in the Irish capital.

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